The EatS Indonesia team held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with a group of general practitioners

The EatS Indonesia team held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with a group of general practitioners. This activity took place in Malang, Indonesia on May 26 2023.

Private document of EaTS Indonesia: dr. Yoga Devaera, Sp.A(K) was interviewing the participants during the FGD – Malang, Indonesia May 27th 2023


Private document of EaTS Indonesia (left to right: dr.Adhytio Yasashii (Manager of EaTS Indonesia); dr.Nurhamida Siregar (participant); dr.Sara Shafira (participant); dr.Yoga Devaera, Sp.A(K) (Deputy of EaTS Indonesia); Prof. Dr. dr. Aryono Hendarto, Sp.A(K),MPH (Head of EaTS Indonesia); dr.Wulan Alawiyah Jahra (participant); dr.Firmandiyara Angkasa (participant); dr.Asep Aziz Purnama (participant) – Malang, Indonesia May 27th 2023.