Our Activities

Last July 11-15, 2022, EaTS Indonesia held a kick-off meeting in 4 locations in Indonesia; Jakarta, Banten, Makassar, and Mamuju. The purpose of this meeting was to sign and inaugurate as well as introduce our training program to our Indonesian partners, central government, and local governments. Besides that, we visited several health services providers in our pilot project areas such as Tangerang-Banten Regency and Mamuju-West Sulawesi Regency.


Currently, we and our partners are continuing to WP 1 (Systematic review of current educational offers and unmet needs, Indonesian guidelines and recommendations, and development of report).


We will periodically update the information on EatS Indonesia activities through this website

Day 1 Kick-off meeting 11 July 2022, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta City-Indonesia

Signing of a collaboration agreement between the University of Indonesia, The University of Hasanuddin, professional organization of ISOG, IMA, and IPS. Left to right: Dean of Medical Faculty of the University of Indonesia (Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH, MMB); The representative of Dean of Medical Faculty of the University of Hasanuddin (dr. Firdaus Hamid, Ph.D, Sp.MK); head of Indonesian Midwives Association (DR. Emi Nurjasmi, MKes); head of Indonesian Society of ObsGyn (Dr. dr. Ari Kusuma Januari, Sp.OG(K)) and head of Indonesian Pediatric Society (dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, Sp.A(K))


Inauguration and kick-off meeting opening of the EatS Indonesia program. This program fully supporting by Indonesian Government trough Indonesian Ministry of Health.

Left to right: Project manager-Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München (Dr. Shweta Feher); Head of EaTS Indonesia-University of Indonesia (Prof. Dr. dr. Aryono Hendarto, Sp.A(K), M.P.H.); Dean of the Medical Faculty of the University of Indonesia (Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH, MMB); Dean Representative of the Medical Faculty of the University of Hasanuddin (dr. Firdaus Hamid, Ph.D, Sp.MK), and the Head of Professional Organization of ISOG (Dr. dr. Ari Kusuma Januari, Sp. OG(K)); IMA (DR. Emi Nurjasmi, MKes); IPS (dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, Sp.A(K)); and Director of Improving the quality of Indonesian professional healthcare-Indonesian Ministry of Health (Mr. Ir. Doddy Izwardy, M. A)

At the opening of the Eats Indonesia kick-off meeting, the team of the project steering committee, the Dean of UI, the representative of the Dean of UNHAS, and honour guests in the Academic Senate room of the Medical Faculty of UI.

Day 2 Kick-off meeting 12 July 2022, Novotel Meeting Room, Tangerang City, Banten-Indonesia.

Audience meeting in the pilot project area with the Regional Secretary of Tangerang District, Head of Banten Health Office, Head of Tangerang District Health Office, and Head of Banten Professional Organisations of ISOG, IMA, and IPS.


Left to right (front row): head of Banten ISOG (dr. Bayu Winarno, SpOG); Head of Tangerang District IMA Evi Rufaida, SST., M.Kes.; Head of Banten IPS (dr, Didik Wijayanto, SpA); Head of EaTS Indonesia-University of Indonesia (Prof. Dr. dr. Aryono Hendarto, Sp.A(K), M.P.H.); Regional Secretary of Tangerang District (Mochamad Maesyal Rasyid); Project manager-Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München (Dr. Shweta Feher); Head of Banten Health Office (Dr. dr. Hj Ati Pramudji Hastuti, MARS); Head of Tangerang District Health Office (dr. Hj. Desiriana Dinardianti, MARS) and Head of EaTS Indonesia – IPS (Dr.dr. Titis Prawitasari, SpA(K))

Left to right (back row): Deputy of Banten IPS (dr. Arif Budiman, Sp.A(K)); EaTS Indonesia-ISOG (dr. Sandy Prayuda SpOGK(FM)); EaTS Indonesia-IPS (dr Novitria Dwinanda SpA (K)); EaTS Indonesia-ISOG (dr. Dyana Safitri Velies, SpOG, K); EaTS Indonesia Manager (dr. Adhityo Yasashii); EaTS Indonesia-ISOG (dr. Dhika Prabu Armadhanu, Dr. Sp.OG); EaTS Indonesia-IMA (Astuti, S.Tr. Keb, SKM); Tangerang District Health Office (dr Tri Retno Wulandari); EaTS Indonesia-IMA (Tuti Iswanti,SST, Mkeb); Tangerang District Health Office(dr. Sri Handayani).

Head of EaTS Indonesia, Prof. Dr. dr. Aryono Hendarto, Sp.A(K), M.P.H.), gave his remarks to invited guests during an audience with the Banten regional government and professional organizations

Day 3 Kick-off meeting 13 July 2022, Healthcare providers visitation, Tangerang District, Banten-Indonesia.

Site visitation to Primanita private clinic of a midwife accompanied by the Tangerang district health office and teams, Head of professional organizations of IPS and IMA and teams.

EatS Indonesia team went directly to the location of private midwife health services in the Tangerang District-Banten as the pilot project area.

EaTS Indonesia program site visitation to Teluk Naga Primary Health Care accompanied by the Tangerang district health office and teams, Head of professional organizations of IPS and IMA and teams.

EatS Indonesia team went directly to the location of Teluk Naga Primary Health Care in the Tangerang District-Banten as the pilot project area

Site visitation to the regional public of Paku Haji Hospital accompanied by the Tangerang district health office and teams, the Head of professional organizations of IPS and IMA and teams.

EatS Indonesia team went directly to the location of regional public of Paku Haji Hospital in the Tangerang District-Banten as the pilot project area.

Day 4 Kick-off meeting 14 July 2022, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hasanuddin, Makasssar City, South Sulawesi-Indonesia

Audience meeting with the Dean of Medical Faculty of the University of Hasanuddin; President Director of the Central Public Hospital of dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo (RSWS), Makassar and Professional Organisation Representatives of ISOG and IPS. Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Left to right front row: ISOG Representative (Dr. dr. Siti Maisuri Tadjuddin Chalid, Sp.OG(K)); President Director of the Central Public Hospital of dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo (RSWS) Makassar (Prof. Dr. dr. Syafri Kamsul Arif, Sp.An-KIC, KAKV); Dean of Medical Faculty of the University of Hasanuddin (Prof.Dr.dr Haerani Rasyid, M.Kes, Sp.PD.,KGH.,Sp.GK); Project manager-Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München (Dr. Shweta Feher); Head of EaTS Indonesia-University of Indonesia (Prof. Dr. dr. Aryono Hendarto, Sp.A(K), M.P.H.); EaTS Indonesia-UNHAS (DR. Dr. Conny Tanjung SpA(K))

Left to right back row:Indonesian Ministry of Health Representative; EaTS Indonesia-UNHAS (dr. Bahrul Fikri, M.Kes, Sp.A, Ph.D); Indonesian Midwives Association representative;Eats-Indonesia-IPS (dr. Sri Hardiyanti Putri, Sp.A); EaTS Indonesia-ISOG (DR.Dr.Deviana Soraya Riu SpOGK FM); Head of EaTS Indonesia-UNHAS (Dr. dr. Aidah Juliaty Alimuddin Baso, Sp.A(K)); EaTS Indonesia Manager: dr Adhytio Yasashii.


Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hasanuddin (host of the scientific meeting) together with the University of Indonesia and Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat Munchen (LMU) Germany held a joint scientific meeting, in the LT 5 Hall of Syamsuddin Daeng Mangawing FK Unhas, Makassar.


Day 5 Kick-off meeting 15 July 2022, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hasanuddin, Makasssar City, South Sulawesi-Indonesia.

Meeting with the Regent of Mamuju (Siti Sutinah Suhardi) and Professional Organisation Representatives of ISOG, IMA, and IPS. Mamuju District, West Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Left to right: Dorothea Raya, S.ST; EaTS Indonesia – IPS (Dr. Sri Hadzriati, SpA, M.Kes); EaTS Indonesia-IMA (Nadirah, SST); Head of EaTS Indonesia-UNHAS Dr. dr. Aidah Juliaty Alimuddin Baso, Sp.A(K); Project manager-Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München (Dr. Shweta Feher); the Regent of Mamuju (Siti Sutinah Suhardi); Head of EaTS Indonesia-University of Indonesia (Prof. Dr. dr. Aryono Hendarto, Sp.A(K), M.P.H.); EaTS Indonesia-UNHAS dr. Bahrul Fikri, M.Kes, Sp.A, Ph.D; EaTS Indonesia-ISOG (Yusran Antonius,Sp.OG,M.Kes); EaTS Indonesia Manager: dr Adhytio Yasashii, dr Mulyani Kadir, Sp.A, M.Kes

Site visitation to Rangas Primary Healthcare with Professional Organisation Representatives of ISOG, IMA, and IPS. Mamuju District, West Sulawesi, Indonesia.