Meeting of the EaTS Indonesia team to discuss the progress of activities, the obstacles encountered and strategies to overcome obstacles in the field and also discuss preparations for carrying out the FGD. The activity took place in Malang – Indonesia on 26th May 2023; which was attended by Prof. Dr. dr. Aryono Hendarto, Sp.A(K),MPH (EaTS Indonesia); dr. Yoga Devaera, Sp.A(K) (UI); DR. Dr. Conny Tanjung Sp.A(K) (UNHAS); dr. Bahrul Fikri, M.Kes, Sp.A, Ph.D (UNHAS); Dr. dr. Titis Prawitasari, Sp.A(K) (IPS); dr. Adhytio Yasashii (EaTS Indonesia); and Septiani Madonna Gultom,SKM (EaTS Indonesia).