Coordination Meeting in Makassar, UNHAS 28 Oktober 2024

The coordination Meeting in Makassar, UNHAS 28th October 2024: Progress Report

The Coordination Meeting in Makassar featured a variety of engaging and impactful activities aimed at fostering collaboration and advancing sustainable health initiatives. Consortium member representatives engaged in interactive discussions on innovative strategies for ensuring long-term project sustainability, including leveraging social media, integrating milestone-driven activities, and using localized video content to improve learning accessibility.

The meeting was attended by the Head of Eats Program: Berthold Koletzko, Indonesian Coordinator: Aryono Hendarto, Head of the Department of Pediatrics: Aidah Juliaty Alimuddin, the representatives from UI, UNHAS, IPS, ISOG and IMA.



Left to right: IPS team: Asrul Salam, UNHAS team: Khumaira, ISOG team: Ananda Mardhia Prefitri, UI team: Septiani Madonna Gultom, Adhityo Yasashii, Aryono Hendarto, LMU team: Berthold Koletzko, UNHAS-Institute for Research and Community Service: Nasrum Massi, UNHAS-Vice Dean for Publication, Community Service and International Affairs: Rina Masadah, UNHAS team: Aidah Juliaty, Conny Tanjung, Bahrul Fikri, Sri Ulandari, Cicilia


Academic integration workshops explored how EATS Indonesia e-learning could be seamlessly incorporated into university curricula, with a focus on aligning with existing courses at UNHAS and UI and introducing new modules on critical topics.

The Plataran Sehat platform (Indonesian Ministry of Health) was highlighted as a powerful dissemination tool, with participants sharing success stories, user feedback, and strategies to broaden its reach. The meeting concluded with a collaborative session to prepare the final project report, highlighting key achievements, training session visuals, participant data, and outcomes from the Plataran Sehat platform. These activities laid a strong foundation for sustainable and impactful health solutions aligned with Indonesia’s public health priorities.