The University of Hasanuddin
Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) is a Center of Excellence for Partnerships in the Development of Science, Technology, Arts, and Human Resources Based on Indonesia Maritime Culture and continues to make significant contributions to research and community service. UNHAS, the largest university in Eastern Indonesia, has a role in the welfare of human civilization on a local, national, and international scale.
Dr. dr. Aidah Juliaty Alimuddin, Sp.A(K)
Head of EaTS Indonesia
University of Hasanuddin
- (0624) 11586010
Dr. dr. Conny Tanjung, Sp.A(K)
Deputy of EaTS Indonesia
University of Hasanuddin
- (0624) 11586010
dr. Bahrul Fikri, M.Kes, Sp.A, Ph.D
Team of EaTS Indonesia
University of Hasanuddin
- (0624) 11586010