Indonesian Paediatric Society

The Indonesian Paediatric Society (IPS, or IDAI for its acronym In Indonesian) aims to participate in improving the health and welfare of children, developing knowledge of child health, and improving the welfare of members. To achieve its goals, IPS assists the government in fostering and improving the quality of child health services and actively participating in research on child  health and child welfare. Additionally, IPS provide guidance, and implement education in pediatrics. IPS establish cooperation with regional and international pediatric organizations, and other child health and welfare organizations, in addition to uniting, fighting for, and defending the interests/position of Indonesian pediatricians.

More info about IPS Click Here

dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, Sp.A(K)

Project Indonesia Partner-Indonesian Pediatric Society

dr. Titis Prawitasari, Sp.A(K)

Project Indonesia Partner-Indonesian Pediatric Society

dr.Novitri Dwinanda Sp.A(K)

Project Indonesia Partner-Indonesian Pediatric Society

dr. Mulyani Kadir, Sp.A, M.Kes

Project Indonesia Partner-Indonesian Pediatric Society